Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Greek Life

One might ask what I was doing attending a wallyball rush for the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity on a Tuesday night instead of practicing ordering food in spanish. The answer remains even a mystery to me, but a few things should be explained in order for the above to make sense. First of all, the fraternity is a service-oriented frat, and although everyone is known as a "brother", it is coed. And although I thought I would never find myself even watching something refered to as "wallyball", I discovered that it really is volleyball, only played on a racquetball court, with an unlimited number of people and hits per side. So, anyway, Sarah and I are now informal rushees.


Blogger wplmom said...

Perhaps this is the exercise you were seeking? Wallyball. Except that the name conjures up thoughts of the Beav's older brother in "Leave it to Beaver" it sounds like it could be fun. I'm not so sure about the rushing part, though I'm sure you are sensible enough to take care of yourself.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Since I am not familiar with any of the Beaver relatives, I do not come up with the same association. And although I was not actively participating last night, it was fun to watch. The next event we are planning on attending is bowling sometime this weekend. And yes, I will be sensible about this. I don't believe this is like a traditional fraternity, although Sarah is currently with-holding information from me, mostly because I am too lazy to walk downstairs and I wouldn't want to disturb her nap.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

That was lovely. You are better than some of the kids in my class, one of whom said, "Quisiera pedir un bebe".

7:02 PM  

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