Bang Bang
Despite a departure that was described as "chaotic" and an almost terrifying ride to Allentown, everyone survived the trip to the firing range, many with a new appreciation/fear of those lethal weapons that are unfortunately so common. "Chaotic" refers to the fact that nobody showed up to drive us there until almost half an hour after we were supposed to leave. "Almost terrifying" is how I descibe a driver who coughed like he had emphysema most of the way, drifted over into the other lane while drinking his coffee, drove at least 20 miles above the speed limit through some of the most curvy and hilly roads in PA, and hardly ever slowed down for corners. We were all relieved to find that the range was indoors, especially since the building was on top of a hill and it started to snow as we got there. We were outfitted with ear and eye protection, selected our targets, and stood back to watch the show. Three or four people had been before, but the rest of us were beginners. First there were the 28 and 38 mm revolvers. I only got to try the 38 and have no idea what I hit, as there were already numerous holes in the target. It was a bit scary. Ok, more than a bit. My hands were shaking for more than a few minutes and I wasn't sure I wanted to try any other kinds. In fact, after I watched casings bounce off people's heads while shooting the 9mm, I was convinced that I didn't want to do anymore. I changed my mind, though, and braved the flying casings. Here is a picture of my target:

Next we moved up to the 45 mm semi-automatic. This definitely had a bigger kick than the other one. They said it looked like I almost fell over, but I was just rocking back in my shoes. I didn't do so well with this one, but the target was farther away and I didn't really aim.

On our way back, we stopped at Macdonald's. It was a mistake to get the milkshake, but it sure tasted good. I think we all fell asleep on the way back, as we got stuck in traffic. All in all, it was a good trip. Makes me a little scared hearing people say how much they like to blow holes in things. One more experience to add to the list. Oh, and hopefully no one gets lead poisoning, as he neglected to mention that washing hands in warm water means absorbing the lead. Oops. They did have nice orange pumice soap, though...

Next we moved up to the 45 mm semi-automatic. This definitely had a bigger kick than the other one. They said it looked like I almost fell over, but I was just rocking back in my shoes. I didn't do so well with this one, but the target was farther away and I didn't really aim.

On our way back, we stopped at Macdonald's. It was a mistake to get the milkshake, but it sure tasted good. I think we all fell asleep on the way back, as we got stuck in traffic. All in all, it was a good trip. Makes me a little scared hearing people say how much they like to blow holes in things. One more experience to add to the list. Oh, and hopefully no one gets lead poisoning, as he neglected to mention that washing hands in warm water means absorbing the lead. Oops. They did have nice orange pumice soap, though...
Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. Fun being a relative term there, though.
Definitely an interesting experience! And the adreniline rush of firing a deadly weapon! I hope it doesn't become habit forming.
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