Wednesday, March 02, 2005

An Unconnected Series of Thoughts

They have begun the deconstruction phase of our new stadium and for days, while walking around campus, I keep hearing this strange sound, and all I could think of was that it sounded like the chain on a roller coaster.

There was a sign on the door when we came back from dinner tonight saying, "Meet the Dean. Where? Follow the smell of popcorn." And sure enough, it did smell like popcorn, and when we followed it, and it led to the ground floor lounge, where a kid was sitting and staring at the popcorn machine.

When I returned to my room last night, or maybe the night before, I noticed that the pile of dirty dishes (belonging to my roommate) sitting on the microwave had a post-it note on them which read, "Wash me." Looking around, I noticed that a bottle of what appeared to be some type of pills on her dresser said, "Take me." So I added my own sign on my dresser to a cup full of candy. It says, "Help yourself."


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