Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lefty Lizard

My latest project/source of classroom amusement has been to practice writing with my left hand. My goal is to become completely ambidextrious. Here is what my early attempts looked like:

After a couple weeks of practice, this is what I am currently at, depending on the height of the desk, writing utensil, time of day(?):

Friday, March 02, 2007

Word Obsessed

I've been a little word obsessed lately, so one might wonder why I haven't been posting. I suppose that might be because most of my words don't come in sentences, only strings of letters, or perhaps maybe because all my best ideas come while I am someplace else, like the bathroom. Meaning I have issues with short-term memory. :) Anyway, here are some of my everyday activities that reveal how pathetic (er, dedicated to educational games?) I am:
-Yahoo Daily crossword puzzle (thanks, Mom!)
-Scrabble on
-the occasional WordWhomp or WordScape on and
and, most recently
-online Boggle at

There are numerous other "distractions" I have (spider solitaire, jigsaw puzzles, alchemy, tetris), but since they don't use words, I won't mention them. ;)

Anywho, you should be expected another post, yes, about words, any time I feel un-lazy enough to take a picture and upload it....